How Google’s Perspectives Filter Can Elevate Your Brand’s SEO Content Strategy

By Ethan Lazuk

Last updated:

Pyschadelic image depicting a human perspective and searching with technology.

Breaking news! The Perspectives filter is going away. More from Barry Schwartz at SEL here. Expect an updated version of this article in the coming days (hopefully). 😉

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “perspectives” is that “from a certain point of view” scene from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

But that’s not what we’re here to talk about today …

Instead, we’re talking about the Perspectives filter on Google Search.

Well, technically Perspectives can appear as a carousel in the main search results, as well. This can lead to the filter’s results.

But typically, you’ll see Perspectives as a filter pill (or “bubble”) on top of mobile or desktop SERPs.

Here’s an example on desktop for the query “helpful content system Google.”

Google Perspectives filter on desktop for the query helpful content system Google.

As you can see, we got a Google Support thread, a YouTube video, and a Reddit page for r/DigitalMarketing.

That’s pretty representative of the types of results you’ll commonly see — a lot of YouTube and Reddit.

Google has other features called Perspectives, too. We’ll get into that shortly.

But the Perspectives filter and carousel are what appear for topics where Google believes searchers can benefit from the “experiences of others,” typically via social media content, videos, and discussion or forum threads.

Perspectives filters don’t appear for every query, though. The order they appear in can also change. (I show some examples later, where I got the filter about 75% of the time and in different orders.)

We’ll go into a lot more detail about Perspectives later.

But this isn’t just an introduction.

We’re also making a case for incorporating more Perspectives-eligible content — TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc. — into SEO content strategies.

Perspectives content opens up higher worlds of opportunity for SEO strategies, both in terms of additional content formats and creative topic ideas, but also for increasing brand visibility with target audiences.

Well, I suppose Star Wars still plays a role …

From a certain point of view Star Wars gif.
Source: Tenor

Star Wars is about adventuring to new worlds.

So often, SEO strategies follow a standard content playbook — service pages, pillar pages, blog posts, location pages, guides, etc.

Perspectives offers new adventures for organic visibility on Google Search.

The downside is that the Perspectives filter likely doesn’t get clicked all that often by users, at least not yet.

However, if the Perspectives carousel continues to appear in the main results, and since it leads to the filter, that could be like an inter-dimensional gateway to increased usage overall.

Social media content in SERPs is nothing new, and we’re already seeing more instances of TikTok videos appearing in featured snippets and SGE snapshots recently. (Say nothing of the rise of Discussion and forum features.)

Through a combination of traditional search results and the social and video content of Perspectives, brands can create more holistic Search presences, and SEOs can help strategize throughout that process.

Here’s an outline of what we’ll cover in this article:

If you read this post before, you might notice it’s quite different now.

I’ve restructured it to better answer everything I think marketers and businesses need to know about Google Perspectives, including the eligible content types, how to integrate them strategically, how to optimize content for Perspectives, as well as examples of Perspectives content in the wild to get the creative ideas flowing.

Let’s begin with an introduction and then dive into the details!

An introduction to Google’s Perspectives (filter and carousel)

Google’s Perspectives filter appears at the top of search results for eligible queries. When triggered, it surfaces content that might benefit the user by showing relevant experiences from others.

Google first introduced this in a blog post on The Keyword in May 2023 called Learn from others’ experiences with more perspectives on Search.

Google blog post on The Keyword introducing the Perspectives filter.

At the time, it was only available on mobile devices (Android and iOS).

We later saw the Perspectives filter tested on desktop in October of that year, and it began officially rolling out there in November 2023.

Eligible Perspectives content are long- and short-form videos, social media posts, and discussions in forum or Q&A sites. This includes YouTube videos, content from TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, and discussion and forum posts on Reddit, Quora, or industry sites.

The most common way I’ve seen Perspectives appear is from the filter:

Perspectives filter on Google desktop.

I’ve also noticed cases where the filter is present but won’t trigger any results, or just a few show up, along with this disclaimer:

Google notice it looks like there aren't many 'Perspectives' matches on this topic.

While testing my name as a query over time, I observed the Perspectives filter went from showing just a few results to triggering many. Yet, while it showed some content by me, most was someone else’s content where I’d left a comment or had a suggested video:

What about X (Twitter)?

While X is a source of organic visibility on Search via carousels, particularly for individuals or brands, it doesn’t get included much in these types of Perspectives results.

However, there are other Google features named Perspectives where X (Twitter) is prominent.

The most notable is Perspectives for news on Google Search.

John Shehata recently shared a study of the types of results you’ll see in the news version of Perspectives. Twitter (X) was dominant, along with sub-Reddits, although by how much varied by topic.

Additionally, I’ve seen Google use the term “perspectives” in other contexts related to Search, like its “About the topic” documentation:

However, what we’re talking about here are Perspectives in the filter or carousel results in normal Google Search results, as announced in that May 2023 blog post.

Google also recently introduced the ability to follow topics, which surfaces related content in your Discover feed.

When you follow a topic and then revisit the search results, however, you’ll also find some results are now personalized to you.

Often, a Perspectives carousel is among them.

This is typically how I’ve seen the greatest ratio of Perspectives carousels appear (for followed topics), although they can show up otherwise.

I’ve also seen recent tests of Perspectives variants, like a “What people are saying” version that seems like an update from a 2022 forums feature.

Something else notable about that Google blog post is that it announced the “hidden gems” ranking improvements.

At that time, we thought hidden gems would be part of the helpful content system, but we learned in November 2023 that is was part of Google’s core rankings systems.

It’s interesting that as of the March 2024 core update, the helpful content system is now part of the core ranking systems, as well.

Between hidden gems and Perspectives, it’s clear Google is emphasizing surfacing more content on Search that shows demonstrable experience for a topic.

It seems like users are responding positively at least to Reddit content (judging by how often it’s been appearing). Reddit is also heavily featured in Perspectives.

Later in this article, I mention an example of someone using Reddit for marketing purposes, but in general, it’s the other types of Perspectives-eligible content that you’ll want to focus on including in your SEO content strategies, such as TikTok (depending on how long it’s available), YouTube and YouTube Shorts, and Instagram.

Integrating content for Perspectives into your SEO strategy

As SGE snapshots answer more informational intent queries, like the sorts of high-volume ones SEOs used to rely on for blog post topics, Perspectives content (social media and video) may help fill the void.

While generative AI can summarize a topic in a way that can make a blog post superfluous, AI can’t offer real world context like a subject matter expert could while discussing a topic in a video on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube.

Even better if that video’s content was made in support of a blog post and informed by the same knowledge of the user’s search intent.

Why just create website content for SEO when you could package that with social posts, videos, influencers, and other ways to establish a holistic brand presence in organic search results?

I recently wrote about how helpful, people-first content for SEO today requires looking beyond traditional topic ideation or methods of creation based on competitors and keywords, and instead using a collaborative process involving an SEO strategist, content specialist, and subject matter expert.

The result is content that incorporates real expertise or experience, is more original and uniquely valuable, and thus better satisfies a particular audience’s search intent.

Just as that guidance applies to blog posts or other website content, so too can it work for YouTube videos and social media posts eligible for Google Perspectives.

Besides, many businesses already manage content for SEO beyond their websites. There’s Google Business Profiles, knowledge panels, Merchant Center feeds.

By having SEOs be part of the strategizing for social media and video content marketing, we can increase its likelihood of being relevant to organic searchers and thus appearing in Perspectives, bringing more search visibility to brands.

How to optimize content for Google Perspectives (filter and carousel)

I haven’t seen anything official from Google about best practices for getting into Perspectives.

That said, we can assume its results are chosen and ranked based on relevance, quality, and authority, similar to normal search results.

Great content for Search generally has the following qualities:

  • It’s created with a particular audience in mind to satisfy a search intent along their buyer’s journey better than what’s currently available on Search.
  • It provides original facts, insight, or analysis that comes from the creator’s real world expertise or firsthand experience.
  • It demonstrates the reliability of the information in a format that’s trustworthy, appealing, and easily engaged with by the audience.
  • It transparently speaks to the origins of the content and how it was produced, when relevant.

If that guidance sounds familiar, it’s largely the same criteria Google lays out in its Creating helpful, reliable, people-first content documentation.

If this strategy can work for web content, it’ll likely do so for video or social content intended for Google Perspectives, as well.

The other way to get content into a Perspectives filter or carousel is likely to follow best practices for organic social media marketing.

Kristi Hines at Search Engine Journal gave some tips for optimizing Perspectives content.

To summarize and elaborate on those:

  • Publish content to Perspectives-eligible platforms (YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, industry forums).
  • Use optimized images or videos likely to encourage user engagement.
  • Promote and amplify content to accumulate social signals, like views, likes, or comments.
  • Ensure the content has value to an audience’s search intent, similar to best practices with blogs or other traditional SEO web content.

What about paid social media content?

I haven’t seen any ads in Perspectives.

However, I was working on a cross-channel campaign for an ecommerce brand when I noticed influencer content from TikTok was appearing in Perspectives filter results related to branded queries.

Working with influencers or even brand ambassadors from within your company can be a great way to highlight real expertise and experience in social or video content that compliments other formats of SEO content from websites.

You also want the content to appear authentic to users, and that’s why posting commercial content in Reddit, for example, is probably not a wise idea. That’s likely to get you called out by the community.

However, even Reddit has its own creative possibilities when done smartly and creatively:

Fundamentally, at the heart of creating great content for Google Perspectives is the same people-first approach that guides helpful content for websites:

  • Focus on satisfying your particular audience’s search intent along their buyer’s journey better than what’s currently available.
  • Worry less about competitors and instead take inspiration from putting yourself in the user’s shoes.
  • Work with subject matter experts to craft truly original and insightful content that solves a particular audience’s need.

We’ve also seen increasing cases of social media content appearing in Search beyond Perspectives.

But whether you’re creating website or Perspectives-eligible content, if you’re putting yourself in the shoes of the audience and relying on real expertise or experience, you’ll produce content that’s more relevant and valuable to your audience and thus more apt to surface on Search.

How can you measure the performance of Perspectives content?

Since Perspectives content strategies involve videos, social media, or forum content, normal SEO keyword research can inform the search intents we create for, but traditional rankings don’t necessarily apply.

Perspectives results are no doubt ranked somehow, but until we learn more, the best approach is likely just making sure your content is interesting, high quality, and relevant to the query or topic.

Website traffic isn’t necessarily the goal, either.

You may get referral traffic if someone views your Perspectives content, visits your YouTube account or social profile, and then clicks a link to your website.

That’s a good reminder to make sure your social profiles link to appropriate webpages.

You may see increased navigational search traffic if a user sees your content in Perspectives and then decides to search for you on Google.

The user may also search for the name of a team member or influencer associated with your Perspectives content, which shows the value of personalizing your brand.

Also, given the brand awareness, trust, and credibility your Perspectives content can build with your audience, you may also see more conversions from other channels (search ads, paid social, email, etc.) after a user has interacted with your organic content.

We’re expecting generative AI in search to impact organic traffic and SEO reporting abilities. We’re also seeing more organic surfaces not tied to keyword rankings, like Google Discover or People also view in SGE while browsing.

Before starting a strategy that involves Perspectives-eligible content, SEOs may need to educate their clients or stakeholders about these “higher worlds” of opportunity.

Meanwhile, decision makers need to embrace that today’s SEO strategies go far beyond keyword rankings and organic traffic, and thus SEO should be seen as an all-encompassing marketing channel that supports brand awareness and conversions throughout the funnel.

But here’s perhaps the biggest takeaway …

Effective content for Google’s Perspectives filter or carousel is just great social media or video content.

If you’re already doing organic social media, making videos, or fostering quality UGC, just make sure your SEO strategist is looped in, along with subject matter experts, to focus efforts around a particular audience’s search intent.

That’ll get you most of the way there. 😉

Real world examples of Perspectives content on Google Search

I’d hypothesize the Perspectives filter doesn’t get clicked a lot today. However, the Perspectives carousel in the main search results can be quite visible, and it leads to the filter.

Therefore, I believe (well, wishfully) that Google’s Perspectives carousel could drive more users to view the filter’s results over time, as they become familiar with them.

Either way, analyzing the Perspectives filter’s results can open up ideas for how to integrate eligible content types into your SEO content strategy.

Let’s search a few queries to see how often the Perspectives filter shows up first of all, and what types of results we see.

I’ll look at desktop SERPs while logged into my Google account. As for picking the queries, let’s go with the most popular topics per Google Trends for a recent date.

Daily search trends for January 30, 2024 on Google Trends.

Since these are broad topics, I’ll use long-tail variations with a more focused search intent.

Ok, let’s check out some Perspectives!

Query: “chita rivera legacy”

First off, RIP to Ms. Rivera, and condolences to her family and fans.

For this query, we see Perspectives is the fourth topic pill, just after images, videos, and news.

Chita Rivera legacy Google desktop search results.

The top results in the Perspectives filter were TikTok and YouTube videos and a Reddit r/Broadway page.

Chita Rivera legacy Google Perspectives filter on desktop.

What’s interesting is three results are one day old (recent news) while one is 2 years old. Kind of reminds me of Discover lately.

Query: “premier league best teams”

Again, Perspectives is the fourth option, after images, news, and “of all time.”

Premier League best teams Google desktop search results.

The Perspectives filter shows three YouTube videos (ranging from 3 days to 3 months old) and a Reddit r/PremierLeague page.

Premier League Google Perspectives filter on desktop.

I’m not that knowledgeable about soccer (football), but I do know these Perspectives results seem more interesting than a Wikipedia page.

Query: “brown daily herald latest stories”

This is a bit of a navigational query for a news source. Perspectives doesn’t show, but shopping does? (Those results were books, mostly.)

Brown Daily Herald latest stories Google desktop SERP.

Maybe more people haven’t noticed Perspectives that often because it’s not featured in certain categories of SERPs?

Let’s keep exploring …

Query: “cori bush achievements”

Again, no Perspectives filter here, but shopping appears. (Those results are swag for the congressperson, including shirts, photos, and cups.)

Cori Bush achievements Google SERP on desktop.

Certainly, the next topic will return some Perspectives …

Query: “warriors basketball highlights 2024”

Bingo. This SERP has some top stories, too, and my search bar changed to orange. Google gonna test.

Perspectives is a bit deeper than the first two, though, in the 6th spot after videos, news, YouTube, images, and “today.”

Warriors basketball highlights 2024 Google desktop search results.

The results include two YouTube videos (one 5 days old and another from 6 months ago) and two Reddit pages for r/NBASpurs (7 hours ago) and r/freefantasylgueswchat (um, what?) from 2 days ago.

Google desktop Perspectives filter for Warriors basketball highlights 2024.

I don’t know about you, but those Perspectives filter results to me seem equally valid or maybe even more interesting than the main SERP.

I’ve got a few more tests in mind, including a topic I follow (to try and trigger a carousel) and then a topic where I’ve seen a carousel appear organically.

But first, let’s try a more commercial and then an informational intent query — iPhones are usually a good topic.

Query: “iphone 13 vs iphone 14 pro”

We’re still orange, and Perspectives appeared fourth, after videos, images, and shopping.

iPhone 13 vs. iPhone 14 Pro Google desktop SERP.

All the results are 4 months or newer, and again, it’s YouTube and Reddit, including r/iphone and r/iPhone13Pro.

iPhone 13 vs. iPhone 14 Pro Google desktop Perspectives filter.

This is actually a powerful duo. In the main SERP, we have Apple itself giving us the company’s take, then we have the power of the people in Perspectives to add that “experiential” context.

Query: “why does my iphone screen flicker”

I just made that up, but it feels like an informational query. Let’s find out!

Finally, some SGE action! Oh and look, Perspectives is the nearest it’s been, in position 3, just after videos and “when I touch.”

Google desktop SERP for why does my iPhone screen flicker.

These Perspectives results are the first to contain forums, as well, including the Apple developer forum and Apple support community discussions (bottom of screenshot).

Google Perspectives filter for why does my iPhone screen flicker.

So the main SERP says “why” the flickering is happening, while Perspectives shows us “how to fix” the issue. Again, a solid combo.

But what about Perspectives carousels in the main SERPs?

I have an article loosely ’bout 10x content, so I follow that query a bit and have seen a Perspectives carousel appear for it on mobile.

Let’s check.

Query: “10x content” (followed topic)

Welp, apparently the follow feature doesn’t work on desktop. Let’s try mobile!

Bummer, it didn’t work. I did get the newer SGE variation that people are talking about (without the carousel).

Update: I later saw the carousel with YouTube and Reddit (per usual) and posted about it on X. Here’s that screenshot:

Now let’s check the desktop Perspectives filter, just for fun.

Here it shows pretty early, just third after images and videos.

10x content desktop Google SERP.

I’m pretty familiar with this topic. Aside from showing Rand’s original video first, these Perspectives results aren’t great quality, in my opinion.

10x content Google Perspectives filter results.

Ok, let’s try to end on a high note!

The last SERP I want to try is “vegan burger.” I did that on mobile a while back and got a Perspectives carousel.

Query: “vegan burger”

I’m striking out. No Perspectives carousel on mobile or desktop.

Let’s check the filter anyway. It appears 5th, after shopping, images, “near me,” and recipes.

Google desktop SERP for vegan burger.

Hey, our first Instagram result! And also, the usual YouTube and Reddit for r/veganrecipes.

Google Perspectives desktop filter for  vegan burger.

I don’t know about the green patties in that Reddit page’s thumbnail, but if you’re ever visiting Orlando, Plantees and Papi Smash’d Burger both have solid plant-based options.

Summing up our findings

No doubt, looking at 9 queries does not a comprehensive study make. That said, we got the Perspectives filter 7 out of 9 times, for an average of over 75%.

We saw YouTube and Reddit in pretty much all of the Perspectives examples, with TikTok, forum and discussion, and Instagram results tossed in.

If we scrolled lower, we’d likely have found other content types, as well.

The Perspectives carousel wasn’t prominent at all — which seems like a slight change from SERPs I observed in late 2023 — but I do think we can argue the filter does appear “most of the time.”

It’s interesting that we didn’t get it for those two queries.

I’ve definitely seen the Perspectives filter appear for navigational queries or individuals before. I’ve even seen the filter show up when no results were available.

It’s worth keeping an eye on!

Related resources on Google Perspectives

Although the Perspectives filter is a relatively new development, there have been some news articles and analysis written about it:

I’ll also create a video summary of this article soon.

“Don’t pass it by”

Incorporating content types for Google’s Perspectives filter (and carousel) into SEO content strategies will involve some dedication, creativity, and a little trust.

However, I believe the companies and marketers who embrace these higher worlds of opportunity may have a leg up for getting more (and targeted) organic visibility on Google Search in the future, particularly if Perspectives takes off.

Either way, social and video content in SERPs is likely going to pick up as a compliment to generative AI answers.

I’ll add more information and other insights to this article as I learn them.

Until next time, enjoy the vibes:

Thanks for reading. Happy optimizing! 🙂

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